The Public Theatre Team
Small Staff. A Whole Lot of Passion.
We are a diverse team of playful professionals united by a love of the arts and producing entertaining, engaging, inspiring and impactful theatre.
- Raymond Dumont, Executive Director
- Janet Mitchko, Artistic Director
- Carol Ham, Office Manager
- Jennifer Madigan, Asst. Director Marketing/Development
- Adam P. Blais, Production Manager & Artistic Associate
- Anna Sullivan, Technical Director
- Michael Reidy, Resident Designer
- Kathleen Lawrence, Box Office Associate
- Brandon Chaloux, House Manager
- Aaron Louque, Concessions
Board of Directors
- Kari Grant-Gagnon, President
- Jennifer Malloy, Vice President / Secretary
- Thomas Platz, Treasurer
- Deana Albert
- Peter Kowalski
- Heidi McCarthy
- Charles Morrison
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The Public Theatre
31 Maple Street
Lewiston, ME 04240
Business: (207) 782-2211
Tickets: (207) 782-3200