Virtual Valentine Ball FAQ’s
This Virtual Valentine Ball is a first for us all. Please review these FAQ’s. If you still have questions, please give us a call at 207-782-3200. We are in the office Monday-Thursday 9:00 am – 4:30 pm. You may also email us at info@thepublictheatre.org.
Friday and Saturday we will monitor this email, but response time may be slower. The phone is not attended during these times.
I bought tickets and I need the access link sent to a different email than what is on my confirmation.
If you need the actual event link email to go to a different email address than what is noted on the confirmation as below:
* A link to the event will be sent to youremail@address.com about 24 hours before the scheduled time.
Please let us know as soon as possible so they can receive the links when they are sent out the day before the event.
Call 207-782-3200 or email info@thepublictheatre.org and let us know where the link should be sent. You must provide the name and order number from your confirmation email.
I already bought a ticket. Can I add another daughter?
Yes. You may add additional daughters up until Feb 10 at midnight.
Start a new ticket order but only purchase the $10 Add Daughter ticket.
In “Comments” during checkout, please note that you have a previous order and provide the Order Number so we can match them up.
How will I access the Virtual Ball?
We are live streaming the Valentine Ball using “Mixcloud Live”
About 24 hours before the event, you will receive an email containing a link and instructions to connect to the event.
Please visit their site for more information about how to stream the event.
How do I view streams on Mixcloud Live?
Do I need to create a Mixcloud account to participate in the Ball?
No. As long as you have the stream link provided to you, you will be able to access the Ball.
Please visit their site for more information:
How do I view streams on Mixcloud Live?
Why Mixcloud? Why not Facebook Live or YouTube?
Mixcloud is a licensed service which has agreements in place with many rights holder partners around the world including: major record labels, independent record labels, publishers, distributors, performance rights organizations, collective management organizations, and more.
This means that, unlike with other streaming platforms, when streaming on Mixcloud Live we will not encounter interruptions, takedowns or failures due to copyright issues. It also means that Mixcloud will ensure the correct royalties etc are paid to the creators and rights holders for all the music we use in our streaming event.
Will other guests be able to see me?
No. This is not like a Zoom meeting. You will be joining a Live Stream event that everyone will see and hear at the same time, but there is no audio or video input from participant’s devices.
All guest interaction will be through the moderated social media wall for the event.
What if there is a severe storm the day of the ball?
If widespread power outages interfere with the Virtual Ball, we will notify you of a rescheduled date. This is tentatively the next Saturday, Feb 20 from 6:00 – 7:00 pm