Production History


30 Plays in 30 Days

In June 2020, to celebrate our 30th Season despite the pandemic, The Public Theatre’s social media accounts took a trip down memory lane and shared never before seen photographs and fun facts from each of our previous 29 seasons. One season per day. You can view these posts in a Facebook Album.

On this page we have continued to provide links to our recent seasons so the journey is complete.

We encourage you to take that walk now and remember your own unique memories and experiences of The Public Theatre and to please consider making a donation to help support our future.

1999-2000 Season

1999-2000 Season

Dracula sells like wildfire. Multiple audience members showed up in capes and fangs. Are they really vampires? Who knows?

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1998-1999 Season

1998-1999 Season

In June, Ellen Crawford, Nurse Lydia Wright on the NBC hit E.R., returns to perform The Belle of Amherst, a one-woman show about American poet Emily Dickinson.

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1996-1997 Season

1996-1997 Season

Talented thirteen-year-old local actor Seth Schlotterbeck is cast as the younger brother in “Lost in Yonkers.”

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1995-1996 Season

1995-1996 Season

Janet discovers she is pregnant the day before rehearsals begin for the opening show of the season “Dancing at Lughnasa.”

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1994-1995 Season

1994-1995 Season

During a TV interview, the host of the show publicly laughs when we tell him the theatre has gone Equity, scoffing at the feasibility of a professional theatre surviving in Lewiston.

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