Production History


30 Plays in 30 Days

In June 2020, to celebrate our 30th Season despite the pandemic, The Public Theatre’s social media accounts took a trip down memory lane and shared never before seen photographs and fun facts from each of our previous 29 seasons. One season per day. You can view these posts in a Facebook Album.

On this page we have continued to provide links to our recent seasons so the journey is complete.

We encourage you to take that walk now and remember your own unique memories and experiences of The Public Theatre and to please consider making a donation to help support our future.

2005-2006 Season

2005-2006 Season

Deathtrap was set in the study of a mystery writer and the set required a wall filled with unusual weapons that he collected.

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2004-2005 Season

2004-2005 Season

After the final preview of The Woman in Black, we didn’t think the show was scary enough, so the next day we went back into rehearsal and added several new tricks.

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2003-2004 Season

2003-2004 Season

The 1950’s Cold War spoof Red Herring had one of our all-time favorite jokes: “How do you make a stiff drink? Feed him salty snacks.” . . .

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2002-2003 Season

2002-2003 Season

We opened our season with Art. One day during a design meeting we were discussing the various shades of gray the set might be. “Like the gray in Bart’s shirt” said someone at the table.

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2001-2002 Season

2001-2002 Season

When 9/11 happens we realize an actress we hired for the upcoming show Blithe Spirit lives in the World Trade Center neighborhood. It took us almost a week to locate her and find out she was okay.

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2000-2001 Season

2000-2001 Season

We open with The Compleat Wrks of Wllm Shkspr (abridged). The Portland Phoenix Reader’s Poll votes The Public Theatre “Best Theatre Company”.

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