Animals Out of Paper
Caroline Strong & Christopher Gerson
2010-2011 Season
Producing the Off-Broadway hit, Animals out of Paper, we needed to fill our set with the highest level of origami possible, as two of the characters were an origami prodigy and his teacher. When we saw the play in New York we were blown away by the fantastic origami creations made by high profile origami experts, including a hawk with a 4-foot wingspan, a Tyrannosaurus Rex and a human heart. On a hope and a prayer, we contacted the prop person from the original New York production, and they generously sent us their entire collection of origami. The Public Theatre is now the honored keeper of the hawk and all origami connected with the show and anyone producing the show can borrow it from us.
- Indoor/Outdoor – Kenny Finkle
- The 3 Little Pigs – Kathy Menino & Ellen Mandel
- A Very Ida Christmas – Susan Poulin
- Animals Out of Paper – Rajiv Joseph
- Humble Boy – Charlotte Jones
- Beau Jest – James Sherman
- Jabberwocky – Crabgrass Puppet Theatre